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Endless Color Options with Sustainable Laminate Countertops

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Laminate countertops became popular in the 1950’s and 60’s, and have remained a popular option for many new and remodeled kitchen countertops today. Although there are many different options for a kitchen countertop including granite, Corian, and tile, laminate is still a viable option for many people. Laminate countertops have their own set of advantages and disadvantages like other countertop materials, some of the pros and cons include:


– Cost. Laminate is generally the least expensive option for a countertop, and is one of the most widely available materials. It is perfect for people who are looking to remodel a kitchen on a tight budget. The low cost also makes it ideal for people who enjoy changing the decor of their home every few years. Laminate countertops are inexpensive enough that they can be changed over the years, something that could cost much more with a granite countertop.

– Easy to install. Installing a laminate countertop is easy enough, with a simple removal and replacement. Meaning it is still less expensive to have a professional install the counter as opposed to the other counter materials.

– Added resale value. A new updated High Definition laminate countertop with a updates sink can add to a home resale value.


– Easy to damage. Because laminate is made from layers glued together, it is easier to damage the surface of the countertop. The top is also susceptible to scratches from sharp knives and other items that can damage the surface or finish.

Depending on what your needs will be a laminate countertop may be worth installing in your new or remodeled kitchen. It is installed in many kitchens across the world due to its affordable price, beautiful finishes, and durability as a kitchen countertop. With so many new styles and options Laminate can be a great addition to any kitchen. If you are looking for other materials such as Granite, Corian, and Tile these make for excellent alternatives. The choice is completely dependent upon your needs and style!


Stop into our store today and let one of our experienced design team members help you choose the perfect option for your kitchen!